Notes about PLX31-08 Brick oscillator Made by Magnum but equivalent by MACom Original set-up --------------- -20 V DC @ ~600 mA Crystal 97.094907 MHz Output 10.486250 GHz, ~+15 dBm total multiply x108 Cavity 1.7477047 GHz Xtal to cavity x18 Cavity to output x6 Cavity tuning range (screw adjust) ---------------------------------- Low ~1520 MHz varactor range there ~ 5 MHz High ~1950 MHz varactor range there ~13 MHz Vtune voltage ~ -1 to -17 V Unlocked approximates squarwave search signal Rate ~ 24 mS = 41.7 Hz Rise and fall times ~2mS (this is where locking happens) One scheme for 10224 MHz output ------------------------------- Crystal 106.5 MHz x16 Cavity 1704 MHz x6 Output 10224 MHz Total Xtal to Output = x96